Wednesday, July 30, 2008

AHH the ethics of it all....

In spending time in SL, we witnessed many perspectives of the health care forgotten. For all their differences the main theme is a need for compassion and understanding. Taking people for their words and not their appearance.

The ethical choice to give care without bias, not become jaded and continue to care about people like the nurses that we've tried to become.

In understanding the many different "invisible" diseases we must continue to believe the patient and have respect for them. We must put aside our general ideas of "pain" or "pain seeker" and advocate for all patients equally.

Margret Eldridge
Travis Cox
Stephen Ball
Lei Correa

1 comment:

allison said...

It can be very surprising what we can learn when we take people for their words and not their appearance as you said. After taking care of many different patients, we realize how awesome some of them can be. We start to notice that they are a lot more than just their disability or disease. Pretty soon their appearance is not as noticable and we realize that we have more in common with them than we originally thought.

Rachael, Jen J., Allison